民泊 VILLA 馬瀬 宿泊施設のご案内

宿泊施設 外観 Appearance of accommodation

ご利用頂ける母屋 外観

トップ画像のエントランス両サイドには、冬に暖炉などで使用する薪をストックしております、冬はスキーやスノーボードなどウィンタースポーツも満喫して頂けますので、 是非に冬季の馬瀬にもお越し下さい。

Depending on the season, beautiful flowers will welcome you.
The log house in the photo is the main house where you stay. It is a building with a calm atmosphere that blends in with the surrounding nature.
On both sides of the top image entrance, we stock firewood to be used in the fireplace in winter. In winter, you can enjoy winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding. Please take a look at Maze in winter.

インテリア Interior


ダイニングテーブルは天板の一部を取り去ると、囲炉裏が顔をのぞかせます、本来の囲炉裏は床と同一面に設置されますが、外国の方々にも楽しんで頂けるようにテーブルスタイルにしました。 ここでアユの塩焼きや味噌田楽、野菜焼きなど囲炉裏焼き料理とお酒をお楽しみ下さい。

There is a tatami room in the back of the living room, and sometimes I feel relieved to lie down on the tatami mat.
The dining table can be removed by removing the top plate, and the hearth can be seen. The original hearth is installed on the same surface as the floor, but the table is designed to be enjoyed by foreigners. Here, enjoy hearth grilled dishes and sake such as grilled sweetfish, miso-dengaku, and vegetables.
You can also taste the goodness of the stylish and stylish southern iron bottle.

キッチン Kitchen

広~い台所をご用意いたしました。 自由気ままにタップリと時間を使って、普段トライ出来ないお料理に挑戦!!

We have a large kitchen. Freely use your time and time to challenge dishes that you can't usually try!

二階寝室スペース Upstairs bedroom

ロフトになりますが、スペースは十分に確保しています。 何故か心躍る屋根裏部屋の魅力。

It becomes a loft, but there is enough space.
The charm of the attic is exciting. You are free to use it, but it is available for sleeping.

1階リビング 1st floor living room

テレビ オーディオ装置 暖炉の設備

そして寒くなれば、暖炉 暖炉 暖炉 最高の幸せ。

A complete AV system has been installed.
Especially recommended for woofers with heavy bass that resonate. You can watch classic, opera, jazz, etc. with a different sense of reality.
Unlike everyday, please enjoy your favorite genre without worrying about the neighborhood.
And if it gets colder, the fireplace, the fireplace, the best happiness.

お風呂と第二トイレ施設棟 Bath and second toilet building



This building is a separate room for an indoor bath and a second toilet.

露天風呂のような室内風呂 天井が高く、広々としたトイレ


Plenty of feeling of liberation, a nice bathing facility as if you were in an open-air bath.
Both the bathroom and the toilet have a very high ceiling so you can use it comfortably.
Of course we have a washlet.

多目的コニュニティースペース&テラス Multipurpose community space & terrace

使い方は自由です 憩いの場 ゆっくりと時間を過ごして頂ける、ベランダと籐椅子

青空の下でバーベキュー Barbecue under the blue sky


馬瀬の星空を満喫して頂ける 星見台 A star viewing platform where you can enjoy the starry sky of MAZE

VILLA 馬瀬 自慢の露天風呂 VILLA MAZE boasts an open-air bath


Experience an outdoor bath where you can relax throughout the seasons.
Look up at the beautiful night sky, empty your head and slowly sink into the open-air bath for hours.
New changes may happen to you.
A mid-winter outdoor bath is the best relaxing time.
